Monday, August 30, 2010

Manic Monday...

So, another week is upon us. Too bad, the weekend never lasts long enough. What a busy weekend it was.
I had to work Friday, then Saturday I gave blood and had my little girls second birthday party. It was a lot of fun, most of my husbands family was there. My family is mostly spread out so they weren't there.
I'm glad that my little girl was too little to notice that only one other kid was there. Thank you Amy and Brooklyn.
It's pretty sad when the friend that you've known the least amount of time can show up and my other friends that I've known since high school or shortly after can't be bothered. It just kind of upset me. They can't even call or anything. I'm there for every birthday, party, etc. that I get invited to. The only ones that I don't go to are the adult parties and I don't have a sitter.
All right, vent over. It was still a really cute party. Claire would say "cute" every time she opened up clothes. She was so excited about all of the fuss. It's just so sad that my little girl is getting so big. Well, I have to keep cleaning house, so until next time, God bless.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Okay, here's my Thankful Thursday blog post. I know that I haven't posted in awhile, and I'm sorry all of you who read my blog. I just need to get off (or on) my butt and start doing it. It's my way to let my thoughts out. So, here we go.

I am thankful for:

1.) Getting my HYLA vacuum to work. We bought it at a pawn shop YEARS ago. The instruction manual is in Dutch/German. Needles to say, I didn't understand ANY of it. So, I finally got on youtube and looked it up. And...wa-la! It works, and works very, very well.

2.) My IPhone. Just got one a few weeks ago and LOVE it. Seriously, you can't understand the obsession unless you have one. How did I ever function without it? It has my email, my calendar...EVERYTHING on it.

3.) That October is getting closer and closer. We are working so much overtime and after October 12 we can finally have days off. I'm thinking I may need a week off. Doubt it happens, but hey, hopefully it'll be here before we know it.

4.) Christmas. I am thankful for Christmas, it is just around the corner. I am thankful that I had decided to put $10 on a Wal-Mart gift card every time I went to Wal-Mart. Because of that Now there is over $600 on the card. I have a feeling that Christmas is going to be a lot less stressful.

5.) My family. They are wonderful. I had to stay home with Claire yesterday. She didn't feel well but was still a sweetie. She took a nap, and I even got to take a nap. Then Christopher and I got to spend some much needed time together.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Manic Monday...

Just another Manic Monday for this momma. I've been working over time and long hours. Sucks, sucks, sucks. To top it all of I have to go in for an early meeting tomorrow.
Well, on another topic I got to try out my HYLA vacuum today. Chris got it from the pawn shop and it has been sitting in our garage for about 2 years. The only instruction manual that I could find is in German. Sure, there were lots of informational videos, but nothing showing me how to use it. I decided to wing it, and I'm glad that I did. I vacuum with a Kirby Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. After using this vacuum I looked in the water and it looked like I hadn't vacuumed in YEARS. Yucky!
So, I better start/continue my cleaning so that i can go to bed and get up early. I am SO ready for a vacation. Until next time, God bless.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Thankful Thursday

In this truly blessed life I lead here is what I'm thankful for:

1.) I'm thankful for dress-up time. I had so much fun with Claire tonight playing dress up, she got so excited she could hardly sit still for the picture.

2.) My crock-pot. I know, weird thing to be thankful for, but I am. It makes it so that I get more time with my family after having to work late.

3.) My family. They should have been listed as number on honestly, but the free time and crock pot lead into it today. I got to spend more time with my family BECAUSE I had made a crock-pot dinner and this is what we did with that time.

4.) AC. It got to 102 today. So I am VERY thankful for that.

5.) I'm so thankful that I don't have to work this weekend. I've worked the last 2 Saturdays and can not wait for a full weekend off.

There's my list for now. So, until next time, God bless.