Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I usually do "Thankful Thursday", let me tell you, today it was a little difficult. I'm going to try not to gripe after all this is a post that concentrates on my blessings, not my miseries, as we should do in life.
So, I'm not to gripe about my morning from h-e-l-l. Instead, here are my blessings:

1.) It's not so crazy at work. Meaning I actually have time to get my sanity back in between those crazy customers.

2.) I got around this morning without having to rush. You have no idea how much stress that takes out of my day.
The h-e-l-l didn't start until I got to work, I'm not worried though, I try to live my life right, if this person wants to be nasty, then God help them I guess.

3.) I didn't have to cook tonight. Thank you left over tacos and Spanish rice.

4.) Claire's potty training has gone very well at home. She even earned another star on her chart today! I do think that my day care provider is getting a little frustrated though.
What we're doing is putting her on the potty every half hour or so (and giving her a potty board book, and the potty chart/star thing). It's working at home, she only has accidents during nap time, and even wakes up in the morning with a dry diaper. For some reason it's not going so great at day care though.

5.) I have a Lord that loves me and beautiful family. I walked in the door after work today, Christopher and Claire had made a pallet and were watching a movie together. It was too cute.

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